Kindle Highlight Manager for Amazon Kindle Features

Basic version
Process Kindle Highlights - Up to 400 lines
Choose to omit location and timestamp
No ads
Browse currently imported My Clippings.txt categorized by book titles
Copy to clipboard
Save Kindle highlights to text file
Print current Kindle highlights**
I want to download the Kindle Highlight Manager Basic version
Full version
One time fee
Process Kindle Highlights - Unlimited*
Choose to omit location and timestamp
No ads
Browse currently imported My Clippings.txt categorized by book titles
Copy to clipboard
Save Kindle highlights to text file
Print current Kindle highlights**
Reload previously processed Kindle highlight database
Delete previously processed Kindle highlight database
Combine all imported Kindle highlights
I want to use the Kindle Highlight Manager Full version

*Depending of the free amount  of Ram.
**It prints on the default printer.

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